Symposium in Paris

Symposium: "Le comte Edward Aleksander Raczyński et Paul Helleu. Le goût de la Belle Époque dans la collection de peintres français à la Galerie de Peintures du Château de Rogalin" (Hrabia Edward Aleksander Raczyński i Paul Helleu. Smak Belle Epoque w kolekcji francuskiego malarstwa z Galerii Malarstwa w Pałacu w Rogalinie).
On June 22 and 23, 2023 in the beautiful halls of the Polish Embassy and the Scientific Station of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Paris, a highly successful symposium dedicated to the Rogalin Gallery of Edward Aleksander Raczyński was held.
The symposium was initiated and organized by Mr. Leszek Kanczugowski, art historian and art director of the Lubliniana Association in Paris, in cooperation with the National Museum in Poznan and the Bonnat - Helleu Museum in Bayonne. The event was inspired by Mr. Kanczugowski's discovery of the "Portrait of Edward Alexander Raczyński" by Paul Helleu, which had been considered lost since World War II.
A very important aspect of the symposium was also the presentation of selected French paintings from the Rogalin collection by French specialists. During the first session day, introductory papers were given by Dr. Maria Gołąb, MNP Director of Scientific Affairs - "Edward Aleksander Raczyński. Evolution of a collector's taste" and Dr. Ewa Leszczyńska, head of the Rogalin Palace Museum - "The Rogalin Gallery of Edward Aleksander Raczyński - a unique private creation with a public purpose", as well as Prof. Maciej Forycki from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The fruit of the symposium, in addition to promoting the Rogalin Gallery in France, is to be a post-conference publication planned for this year.
Download: Symposium Program (PDF)
Photos provided courtesy of the Polish Embassy in Paris and the Lubliniana Association.