Lunéville Palace

When Stanisław Leszczyński took up residence here in 1737 as the last Duke of Lorraine and Bar, he had a magnificent Baroque palace rebuilt thirty years earlier by his predecessor Prince Leopold. Without disturbing this architectural masterpiece, a testament to the ambitions of the Lorraine court, he supplemented it with a magnificent garden setting, famous throughout Europe. Equally astonishing for its rococo structure and its extraordinary garden buildings and pavilions, which became a model for many European designs. This was the setting in which he worked, rested and received alongside the mighty of the time, representatives of the intellectual elite led by Montesquieu and Voltaire. Dazzling them with his architectural and garden works, as well as with the originality of his treatises and writings, he initiated here a Polish-French discussion on the repair of the system of the Republic of the nobility. A visit to Lunéville is therefore worthwhile, in order to get an idea of the exciting life that took place here in the 18th century in the palace, which was restored after a fire in 2003, and in the partially preserved garden.