
The present shape of the Lorraine capital is the quintessence of the visionary and patronage activities of the dethroned King of Poland, Stanisław Leszczyński. He made it a model city of the Enlightenment, which became a centre of thought and culture radiating across Europe. The ideas he proclaimed found expression in the magnificent buildings that still serve the multiple needs of the local community today. Importantly, they were made by the best local artists and united with the historic fabric of the city. In this way, Nancy became not only a symbol of modern urban planning, but also of local identity, which Leszczyński, although sent here to incorporate Lorraine into France, fully respected and made famous throughout the world.
It is no coincidence, therefore, that at the heart of this magnificent composition, in the UNESCO World Heritage Site, there is an impressive statue of Leszczynski with the dedication: "To Stanislas the Benefactor - grateful Lorrainians". It has taken the place of the statue of Louis XV, who probably did not expect it to give way in time to the image of his father-in-law.