Nothing is given once and for all

Cooperation, promotion, education, that is, around new research, exhibitions, publications, films, lectures, lectures.
Being aware that nothing in our lives and the world around us is given once and for all, we want, through the promotion of the peaceful, political-diplomatic and cultural achievements of the "Great Polish" emigrants, to remind us of the best models and still alive ideas developed by them.
The world and its citizens. What are the boundaries setting?
The word "border" has come to have many meanings, not always positive ones. What do national borders really tell us about? Are they something permanent, or are they subject to change? And if so, who decides this? During the class we will look at the historical borders of our country. What impact did the changing borders have on the lives of ordinary people? Younger participants, acting out certain situations and roles, will consider what it is like to cross borders, including cultural ones. The older ones, also referring to the challenges of our time, will creatively reflect on the difficult issues of migration and borders.
Download: Lesson outline (PDF)
"Do not waste independence". On the life and achievements of Edward Bernard Raczyński.

The story of the extraordinary biography of Edward Bernard Raczyński is at the same time an account of the 20th century, abounding in difficult events and choices. During the class, on the basis of prepared cards with photos and quotes, we will create a kind of show about the life of the Ambassador and President, but also a loving son, brother, husband and father. The events discussed will take the concrete shape of photographic memories. This will be the starting point for joint reflections on the interrelationship of man and history, as well as discussions on difficult concepts: patriotism, social responsibility, heroism, emigration. Finally, we will return to the important words of the President, considering what they could have meant in the past and whether they are still relevant. Can freedom, democracy and independence be won once and for all?
Download: Lesson outline (PDF)